情報学部 菅沼ホーム 目次 索引


    1. A. C++
    2. B. Java
    3. C. JavaScript
    4. D. PHP
    5. E. Ruby
    6. F. Python
    7. G. C#
    8. H. VB

  プログラムは,3 次スプライン関数によってスプライン補間するためのものです.なお,このプログラムは,クラスを使用して記述しています( JavaScript の場合はオブジェクト).

  1. C++

    /* 補間法(3次スプライン関数) */
    /*      coded by Y.Suganuma     */
    #include <stdio.h>
    double spline(int, double *, double *, double,
                  double *, double *, double *, double *, double *, double *);
    int main()
    	double *h, *b, *d, *g, *u, *r, *x, *y, sp, x1, y1;
    	int n;
    					// 設定
    	n = 5;
    	h = new double [n];
    	b = new double [n];
    	d = new double [n];
    	g = new double [n];
    	u = new double [n];
    	r = new double [n+1];
    	x = new double [n+1];
    	y = new double [n+1];
    	x[0] = 0.0;
    	x[1] = 1.0;
    	x[2] = 2.0;
    	x[3] = 3.0;
    	x[4] = 4.0;
    	x[5] = 5.0;
    	y[0] = 0.0;
    	y[1] = 1.0;
    	y[2] = 4.0;
    	y[3] = 9.0;
    	y[4] = 16.0;
    	y[5] = 25.0;
    					// 実行と出力
    	x1 = 0.0;
    	sp = 0.1;
    	while (x1 <= 5.01) {
    		y1 = spline(n, x, y, x1, h, b, d, g, u, r);
    		printf("%f %f\n", x1, y1);
    		x1 += sp;
    	delete [] h;
    	delete [] b;
    	delete [] d;
    	delete [] g;
    	delete [] u;
    	delete [] r;
    	delete [] x;
    	delete [] y;
    	return 0;
    /* 3次スプライン関数による補間   */
    /*      n : 区間の数              */
    /*      x, y : 点の座標           */
    /*      x1 : 補間値を求める値     */
    /*      h, b, d, g, u, r : 作業域 */
    /*      return : 補間値           */
    /*      coded by Y.Suganuma       */
    double spline(int n, double *x, double *y, double x1,
                  double *h, double *b, double *d, double *g, double *u, double *r)
    	int i = -1, i1, k;
    	double y1, qi, si, xx;
    					// 区間の決定
    	for (i1 = 1; i1 < n && i < 0; i1++) {
    		if (x1 < x[i1])
    			i = i1 - 1;
    	if (i < 0)
    		i = n - 1;
    					// ステップ1
    	for (i1 = 0; i1 < n; i1++)
    		h[i1] = x[i1+1] - x[i1];
    	for (i1 = 1; i1 < n; i1++) {
    		b[i1] = 2.0 * (h[i1] + h[i1-1]);
    		d[i1] = 3.0 * ((y[i1+1] - y[i1]) / h[i1] - (y[i1] - y[i1-1]) / h[i1-1]);
    					// ステップ2
    	g[1] = h[1] / b[1];
    	for (i1 = 2; i1 < n-1; i1++)
    		g[i1] = h[i1] / (b[i1] - h[i1-1] * g[i1-1]);
    	u[1] = d[1] / b[1];
    	for (i1 = 2; i1 < n; i1++)
    		u[i1] = (d[i1] - h[i1-1] * u[i1-1]) / (b[i1] - h[i1-1] * g[i1-1]);
    					// ステップ3
    	k      = (i > 1) ? i : 1;
    	r[0]   = 0.0;
    	r[n]   = 0.0;
    	r[n-1] = u[n-1];
    	for (i1 = n-2; i1 >= k; i1--)
    		r[i1] = u[i1] - g[i1] * r[i1+1];
    					// ステップ4
    	xx = x1 - x[i];
    	qi = (y[i+1] - y[i]) / h[i] - h[i] * (r[i+1] + 2.0 * r[i]) / 3.0;
    	si = (r[i+1] - r[i]) / (3.0 * h[i]);
    	y1 = y[i] + xx * (qi + xx * (r[i]  + si * xx));
    	return y1;
    /* 補間法(3次スプライン関数) */
    /*      coded by Y.Suganuma     */
    #include <stdio.h>
    /* クラスの定義 */
    class Spline
    		double *r, *q, *s, *x, *y;
    		int n;
    		/* コンストラクタ         */
    		/*      n1 : 区間の数     */
    		/*      x1, y1 : 点の座標 */
    		Spline(int n1, double *x1, double *y1)
    			int i1;
    						// 領域の確保
    			n = n1;
    			double *h = new double [n];
    			double *b = new double [n];
    			double *d = new double [n];
    			double *g = new double [n];
    			double *u = new double [n];
    			q = new double [n];
    			s = new double [n];
    			r = new double [n+1];
    			x = new double [n+1];
    			y = new double [n+1];
    			for (i1 = 0; i1 <= n; i1++) {
    				x[i1] = x1[i1];
    				y[i1] = y1[i1];
    						// ステップ1
    			for (i1 = 0; i1 < n; i1++)
    				h[i1] = x[i1+1] - x[i1];
    			for (i1 = 1; i1 < n; i1++) {
    				b[i1] = 2.0 * (h[i1] + h[i1-1]);
    				d[i1] = 3.0 * ((y[i1+1] - y[i1]) / h[i1] - (y[i1] - y[i1-1]) / h[i1-1]);
    						// ステップ2
    			g[1] = h[1] / b[1];
    			for (i1 = 2; i1 < n-1; i1++)
    				g[i1] = h[i1] / (b[i1] - h[i1-1] * g[i1-1]);
    			u[1] = d[1] / b[1];
    			for (i1 = 2; i1 < n; i1++)
    				u[i1] = (d[i1] - h[i1-1] * u[i1-1]) / (b[i1] - h[i1-1] * g[i1-1]);
    						// ステップ3
    			r[0]   = 0.0;
    			r[n]   = 0.0;
    			r[n-1] = u[n-1];
    			for (i1 = n-2; i1 >= 1; i1--)
    				r[i1] = u[i1] - g[i1] * r[i1+1];
    						// ステップ4
    			for (i1 = 0; i1 < n; i1++) {
    				q[i1] = (y[i1+1] - y[i1]) / h[i1] - h[i1] * (r[i1+1] + 2.0 * r[i1]) / 3.0;
    				s[i1] = (r[i1+1] - r[i1]) / (3.0 * h[i1]);
    			delete [] h;
    			delete [] b;
    			delete [] d;
    			delete [] g;
    			delete [] u;
    		/* デストラクタ */
    			delete [] q;
    			delete [] s;
    			delete [] r;
    			delete [] x;
    			delete [] y;
    		/* 補間値の計算               */
    		/*      x1 : 補間値を求める値 */
    		/*      return : 補間値       */
    		double value(double x1)
    			int i = -1, i1;
    			double y1, xx;
    						// 区間の決定
    			for (i1 = 1; i1 < n && i < 0; i1++) {
    				if (x1 < x[i1])
    					i = i1 - 1;
    			if (i < 0)
    				i = n - 1;
    						// 計算
    			xx = x1 - x[i];
    			y1 = y[i] + xx * (q[i] + xx * (r[i]  + s[i] * xx));
    			return y1;
    /* main 関数 */
    int main()
    	double *x, *y, sp, x1, y1;
    	int n;
    					// 設定
    	n = 5;
    	x = new double [n+1];
    	y = new double [n+1];
    	x[0] = 0.0;
    	x[1] = 1.0;
    	x[2] = 2.0;
    	x[3] = 3.0;
    	x[4] = 4.0;
    	x[5] = 5.0;
    	y[0] = 0.0;
    	y[1] = 1.0;
    	y[2] = 4.0;
    	y[3] = 9.0;
    	y[4] = 16.0;
    	y[5] = 25.0;
    	Spline spline(n, x, y);
    					// 実行と出力
    	x1 = 0.0;
    	sp = 0.1;
    	while (x1 <= 5.01) {
    		y1 = spline.value(x1);
    		printf("%f %f\n", x1, y1);
    		x1 += sp;
    	delete [] x;
    	delete [] y;
    	return 0;

  2. Java

    /* 補間法(3次スプライン関数) */
    /*      coded by Y.Suganuma     */
    import java.io.*;
    public class Test {
    	public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException
    		double h[], b[], d[], g[], u[], r[], sp, x1, y1;
    		int n;
    					// 設定
    		n = 5;
    		h = new double [n];
    		b = new double [n];
    		d = new double [n];
    		g = new double [n];
    		u = new double [n];
    		r = new double [n+1];
    		double x[] = {0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0};
    		double y[] = {0.0, 1.0, 4.0, 9.0, 16.0, 25.0};
    					// 実行と出力
    		x1 = 0.0;
    		sp = 0.1;
    		while (x1 <= 5.01) {
    			y1 = spline(n, x, y, x1, h, b, d, g, u, r);
    			System.out.println(x1 + " " + y1);
    			x1 += sp;
    	/* 3次スプライン関数による補間   */
    	/*      n : 区間の数              */
    	/*      x, y : 点の座標           */
    	/*      x1 : 補間値を求める値     */
    	/*      h, b, d, g, u, r : 作業域 */
    	/*      return : 補間値           */
    	/*      coded by Y.Suganuma       */
    	static double spline(int n, double x[], double y[], double x1,
               double h[], double b[], double d[], double g[], double u[], double r[])
    		int i = -1, i1, k;
    		double y1, qi, si, xx;
    					// 区間の決定
    		for (i1 = 1; i1 < n && i < 0; i1++) {
    			if (x1 < x[i1])
    				i = i1 - 1;
    		if (i < 0)
    			i = n - 1;
    					// ステップ1
    		for (i1 = 0; i1 < n; i1++)
    			h[i1] = x[i1+1] - x[i1];
    		for (i1 = 1; i1 < n; i1++) {
    			b[i1] = 2.0 * (h[i1] + h[i1-1]);
    			d[i1] = 3.0 * ((y[i1+1] - y[i1]) / h[i1] - (y[i1] - y[i1-1]) / h[i1-1]);
    					// ステップ2
    		g[1] = h[1] / b[1];
    		for (i1 = 2; i1 < n-1; i1++)
    			g[i1] = h[i1] / (b[i1] - h[i1-1] * g[i1-1]);
    		u[1] = d[1] / b[1];
    		for (i1 = 2; i1 < n; i1++)
    			u[i1] = (d[i1] - h[i1-1] * u[i1-1]) / (b[i1] - h[i1-1] * g[i1-1]);
    					// ステップ3
    		k      = (i > 1) ? i : 1;
    		r[0]   = 0.0;
    		r[n]   = 0.0;
    		r[n-1] = u[n-1];
    		for (i1 = n-2; i1 >= k; i1--)
    			r[i1] = u[i1] - g[i1] * r[i1+1];
    					// ステップ4
    		xx = x1 - x[i];
    		qi = (y[i+1] - y[i]) / h[i] - h[i] * (r[i+1] + 2.0 * r[i]) / 3.0;
    		si = (r[i+1] - r[i]) / (3.0 * h[i]);
    		y1 = y[i] + xx * (qi + xx * (r[i]  + si * xx));
    		return y1;
    /* 補間法(3次スプライン関数) */
    /*      coded by Y.Suganuma     */
    import java.io.*;
    public class Test_c {
    	public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException
    		double sp, x1, y1;
    		int n;
    					// 設定
    		n = 5;
    		double x[] = {0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0};
    		double y[] = {0.0, 1.0, 4.0, 9.0, 16.0, 25.0};
    		Spline spline = new Spline(n, x, y);
    					// 実行と出力
    		x1 = 0.0;
    		sp = 0.1;
    		while (x1 <= 5.01) {
    			y1 = spline.value(x1);
    			System.out.println(x1 + " " + y1);
    			x1 += sp;
    /* 補間法(3次スプライン関数) */
    /*      coded by Y.Suganuma     */
    class Spline
    	private double r[], q[], s[], x[], y[];
    	private int n;
    	/* コンストラクタ         */
    	/*      n1 : 区間の数     */
    	/*      x1, y1 : 点の座標 */
    	Spline(int n1, double x1[], double y1[])
    		int i1;
    						// 領域の確保
    		n = n1;
    		double h[] = new double [n];
    		double b[] = new double [n];
    		double d[] = new double [n];
    		double g[] = new double [n];
    		double u[] = new double [n];
    		q = new double [n];
    		s = new double [n];
    		r = new double [n+1];
    		x = new double [n+1];
    		y = new double [n+1];
    		for (i1 = 0; i1 <= n; i1++) {
    			x[i1] = x1[i1];
    			y[i1] = y1[i1];
    						// ステップ1
    		for (i1 = 0; i1 < n; i1++)
    			h[i1] = x[i1+1] - x[i1];
    		for (i1 = 1; i1 < n; i1++) {
    			b[i1] = 2.0 * (h[i1] + h[i1-1]);
    			d[i1] = 3.0 * ((y[i1+1] - y[i1]) / h[i1] - (y[i1] - y[i1-1]) / h[i1-1]);
    						// ステップ2
    		g[1] = h[1] / b[1];
    		for (i1 = 2; i1 < n-1; i1++)
    			g[i1] = h[i1] / (b[i1] - h[i1-1] * g[i1-1]);
    		u[1] = d[1] / b[1];
    		for (i1 = 2; i1 < n; i1++)
    			u[i1] = (d[i1] - h[i1-1] * u[i1-1]) / (b[i1] - h[i1-1] * g[i1-1]);
    						// ステップ3
    		r[0]   = 0.0;
    		r[n]   = 0.0;
    		r[n-1] = u[n-1];
    		for (i1 = n-2; i1 >= 1; i1--)
    			r[i1] = u[i1] - g[i1] * r[i1+1];
    						// ステップ4
    		for (i1 = 0; i1 < n; i1++) {
    			q[i1] = (y[i1+1] - y[i1]) / h[i1] - h[i1] * (r[i1+1] + 2.0 * r[i1]) / 3.0;
    			s[i1] = (r[i1+1] - r[i1]) / (3.0 * h[i1]);
    	/* 補間値の計算               */
    	/*      x1 : 補間値を求める値 */
    	/*      return : 補間値       */
    	double value(double x1)
    		int i = -1, i1;
    		double y1, xx;
    						// 区間の決定
    		for (i1 = 1; i1 < n && i < 0; i1++) {
    			if (x1 < x[i1])
    				i = i1 - 1;
    		if (i < 0)
    			i = n - 1;
    						// 計算
    		xx = x1 - x[i];
    		y1 = y[i] + xx * (q[i] + xx * (r[i]  + s[i] * xx));
    		return y1;

  3. JavaScript

    	<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=utf-8">
    	<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
    		function main()
    					// データの設定
    			let n  = parseInt(document.getElementById("order").value);
    			let sp = parseFloat(document.getElementById("step").value);
    			let h  = new Array();
    			let b  = new Array();
    			let d  = new Array();
    			let g  = new Array();
    			let u  = new Array();
    			let r  = new Array();
    			let x  = new Array();
    			let y  = new Array();
    			let s = (document.getElementById("data").value).split(/ {1,}|\n{1,}/);
    			let k = 0;
    			for (let i1 = 0; i1 < 2*(n+1); i1 += 2) {
    				x[k] = parseFloat(s[i1]);
    				y[k] = parseFloat(s[i1+1]);
    					// 出力
    			let str = "";
    			let x1 = x[0];
    			while (x1 < x[n]+0.01*sp) {
    				let y1 = spline(n, x, y, x1, h, b, d, g, u, r);
    				str = str + "x " + x1 + " y " + y1 + "\n";
    				x1 += sp;
    			document.getElementById("ans").value = str;
    		/* 3次スプライン関数による補間   */
    		/*      n : 区間の数              */
    		/*      x, y : 点の座標           */
    		/*      x1 : 補間値を求める値     */
    		/*      h, b, d, g, u, r : 作業域 */
    		/*      return : 補間値           */
    		/*      coded by Y.Suganuma       */
    		function spline(n, x, y, x1, h, b, d, g, u, r)
    			let i = -1;
    			let i1;
    			let k;
    			let y1;
    			let qi;
    			let si;
    			let xx;
    						// 区間の決定
    			for (i1 = 1; i1 < n && i < 0; i1++) {
    				if (x1 < x[i1])
    					i = i1 - 1;
    			if (i < 0)
    				i = n - 1;
    						// ステップ1
    			for (i1 = 0; i1 < n; i1++)
    				h[i1] = x[i1+1] - x[i1];
    			for (i1 = 1; i1 < n; i1++) {
    				b[i1] = 2.0 * (h[i1] + h[i1-1]);
    				d[i1] = 3.0 * ((y[i1+1] - y[i1]) / h[i1] - (y[i1] - y[i1-1]) / h[i1-1]);
    						// ステップ2
    			g[1] = h[1] / b[1];
    			for (i1 = 2; i1 < n-1; i1++)
    				g[i1] = h[i1] / (b[i1] - h[i1-1] * g[i1-1]);
    			u[1] = d[1] / b[1];
    			for (i1 = 2; i1 < n; i1++)
    				u[i1] = (d[i1] - h[i1-1] * u[i1-1]) / (b[i1] - h[i1-1] * g[i1-1]);
    						// ステップ3
    			k      = (i > 1) ? i : 1;
    			r[0]   = 0.0;
    			r[n]   = 0.0;
    			r[n-1] = u[n-1];
    			for (i1 = n-2; i1 >= k; i1--)
    				r[i1] = u[i1] - g[i1] * r[i1+1];
    						// ステップ4
    			xx = x1 - x[i];
    			qi = (y[i+1] - y[i]) / h[i] - h[i] * (r[i+1] + 2.0 * r[i]) / 3.0;
    			si = (r[i+1] - r[i]) / (3.0 * h[i]);
    			y1 = y[i] + xx * (qi + xx * (r[i]  + si * xx));
    			return y1;
    <BODY STYLE="font-size: 130%; background-color: #eeffee;">
    	<H2 STYLE="text-align:center"><B>補間法(3次スプライン関数)</B></H2>
    		<DT>  テキストフィールドおよびテキストエリアには,例として,6 点 ( 0, 0 ), ( 1, 1 ), ( 2, 4 ) ( 3, 9 ), ( 4, 16 ), ( 5, 25 ) を使用して,3 次スプライン関数による補間を実行するための値が設定されています.他の問題を実行する場合は,それらを適切に修正してください.
    	<DIV STYLE="text-align:center">
    		区間の数(n):<INPUT ID="order" STYLE="font-size: 100%" TYPE="text" SIZE="2" VALUE="5"> 
    		ステップ:<INPUT ID="step" STYLE="font-size: 100%;" TYPE="text" SIZE="5" VALUE="0.1"> 
    		<BUTTON STYLE="font-size: 100%; background-color: pink" onClick="main()">OK</BUTTON><BR><BR>
    		データ(x y,(n+1)個):<TEXTAREA ID="data" COLS="30" ROWS="15" STYLE="font-size: 100%">0.0 0.0
    1.0 1.0
    2.0 4.0
    3.0 9.0
    4.0 16.0
    5.0 25.0</TEXTAREA><BR><BR>
    		<TEXTAREA ID="ans" COLS="50" ROWS="15" STYLE="font-size: 100%"></TEXTAREA>
    	<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=utf-8">
    	<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
    		spline = null;
    		function main()
    					// データの設定
    			let n  = parseInt(document.getElementById("order").value);
    			let sp = parseFloat(document.getElementById("step").value);
    			let x  = new Array();
    			let y  = new Array();
    			let s = (document.getElementById("data").value).split(/ {1,}|\n{1,}/);
    			let k = 0;
    			for (let i1 = 0; i1 < 2*(n+1); i1 += 2) {
    				x[k] = parseFloat(s[i1]);
    				y[k] = parseFloat(s[i1+1]);
    			spline = new Spline(n, x, y);
    					// 出力
    			let str = "";
    			let x1 = x[0];
    			while (x1 < x[n]+0.01*sp) {
    				let y1 = spline.value(x1);
    				str = str + "x " + x1 + " y " + y1 + "\n";
    				x1 += sp;
    			document.getElementById("ans").value = str;
    		/* 3次スプライン関数による補間 */
    		/*      n1 : 区間の数           */
    		/*      x1, y1 : 点の座標       */
    		/*      coded by Y.Suganuma     */
    		function Spline(n1, x1, y1)
    						// 領域の確保
    			let h = new Array();
    			let b = new Array();
    			let d = new Array();
    			let g = new Array();
    			let u = new Array();
    			this.n = n1;
    			this.q = new Array();
    			this.s = new Array();
    			this.r = new Array();
    			this.x = new Array();
    			this.y = new Array();
    			for (let i1 = 0; i1 <= this.n; i1++) {
    				this.x[i1] = x1[i1];
    				this.y[i1] = y1[i1];
    						// ステップ1
    			for (let i1 = 0; i1 < this.n; i1++)
    				h[i1] = this.x[i1+1] - this.x[i1];
    			for (let i1 = 1; i1 < this.n; i1++) {
    				b[i1] = 2.0 * (h[i1] + h[i1-1]);
    				d[i1] = 3.0 * ((this.y[i1+1] - this.y[i1]) / h[i1] - (this.y[i1] - this.y[i1-1]) / h[i1-1]);
    						// ステップ2
    			g[1] = h[1] / b[1];
    			for (let i1 = 2; i1 < this.n-1; i1++)
    				g[i1] = h[i1] / (b[i1] - h[i1-1] * g[i1-1]);
    			u[1] = d[1] / b[1];
    			for (let i1 = 2; i1 < this.n; i1++)
    				u[i1] = (d[i1] - h[i1-1] * u[i1-1]) / (b[i1] - h[i1-1] * g[i1-1]);
    						// ステップ3
    			this.r[0]        = 0.0;
    			this.r[this.n]   = 0.0;
    			this.r[this.n-1] = u[this.n-1];
    			for (let i1 = this.n-2; i1 >= 1; i1--)
    				this.r[i1] = u[i1] - g[i1] * this.r[i1+1];
    						// ステップ4
    			for (let i1 = 0; i1 < this.n; i1++) {
    				this.q [i1] = (this.y[i1+1] - this.y[i1]) / h[i1] - h[i1] * (this.r[i1+1] + 2.0 * this.r[i1]) / 3.0;
    				this.s[i1] = (this.r[i1+1] - this.r[i1]) / (3.0 * h[i1]);
    		/* 補間値の計算               */
    		/*      x1 : 補間値を求める値 */
    		/*      return : 補間値       */
    		Spline.prototype.value = function(x1)
    						// 区間の決定
    			let i = -1;
    			for (let i1 = 1; i1 < spline.n && i < 0; i1++) {
    				if (x1 < spline.x[i1])
    					i = i1 - 1;
    			if (i < 0)
    				i = spline.n - 1;
    						// 計算
    			let xx = x1 - spline.x[i];
    			let y1 = spline.y[i] + xx * (spline.q[i] + xx * (spline.r[i]  + spline.s[i] * xx));
    			return y1;
    <BODY STYLE="font-size: 130%; background-color: #eeffee;">
    	<H2 STYLE="text-align:center"><B>補間法(3次スプライン関数)</B></H2>
    		<DT>  テキストフィールドおよびテキストエリアには,例として,6 点 ( 0, 0 ), ( 1, 1 ), ( 2, 4 ) ( 3, 9 ), ( 4, 16 ), ( 5, 25 ) を使用して,3 次スプライン関数による補間を実行するための値が設定されています.他の問題を実行する場合は,それらを適切に修正してください.
    	<DIV STYLE="text-align:center">
    		区間の数(n):<INPUT ID="order" STYLE="font-size: 100%" TYPE="text" SIZE="2" VALUE="5"> 
    		ステップ:<INPUT ID="step" STYLE="font-size: 100%;" TYPE="text" SIZE="5" VALUE="0.1"> 
    		<BUTTON STYLE="font-size: 100%; background-color: pink" onClick="main()">OK</BUTTON><BR><BR>
    		データ(x y,(n+1)個):<TEXTAREA ID="data" COLS="30" ROWS="15" STYLE="font-size: 100%">0.0 0.0
    1.0 1.0
    2.0 4.0
    3.0 9.0
    4.0 16.0
    5.0 25.0</TEXTAREA><BR><BR>
    		<TEXTAREA ID="ans" COLS="50" ROWS="15" STYLE="font-size: 100%"></TEXTAREA>

  4. PHP

    /* 補間法(3次スプライン関数) */
    /*      coded by Y.Suganuma     */
    					// 設定
    	$n = 5;
    	$h = array($n);
    	$b = array($n);
    	$d = array($n);
    	$g = array($n);
    	$u = array($n);
    	$r = array($n+1);
    	$x = array($n+1);
    	$y = array($n+1);
    	$x[0] = 0.0;
    	$x[1] = 1.0;
    	$x[2] = 2.0;
    	$x[3] = 3.0;
    	$x[4] = 4.0;
    	$x[5] = 5.0;
    	$y[0] = 0.0;
    	$y[1] = 1.0;
    	$y[2] = 4.0;
    	$y[3] = 9.0;
    	$y[4] = 16.0;
    	$y[5] = 25.0;
    					// 実行と出力
    	$x1 = 0.0;
    	$sp = 0.1;
    	while ($x1 <= 5.01) {
    		$y1 = spline($n, $x, $y, $x1, $h, $b, $d, $g, $u, $r);
    		printf("%f %f\n", $x1, $y1);
    		$x1 += $sp;
    /* 3次スプライン関数による補間   */
    /*      n : 区間の数              */
    /*      x, y : 点の座標           */
    /*      x1 : 補間値を求める値     */
    /*      h, b, d, g, u, r : 作業域 */
    /*      return : 補間値           */
    /*      coded by Y.Suganuma       */
    function spline($n, $x, $y, $x1, $h, $b, $d, $g, $u, $r)
    	$i = -1;
    					// 区間の決定
    	for ($i1 = 1; $i1 < $n && $i < 0; $i1++) {
    		if ($x1 < $x[$i1])
    			$i = $i1 - 1;
    	if ($i < 0)
    		$i = $n - 1;
    					// ステップ1
    	for ($i1 = 0; $i1 < $n; $i1++)
    		$h[$i1] = $x[$i1+1] - $x[$i1];
    	for ($i1 = 1; $i1 < $n; $i1++) {
    		$b[$i1] = 2.0 * ($h[$i1] + $h[$i1-1]);
    		$d[$i1] = 3.0 * (($y[$i1+1] - $y[$i1]) / $h[$i1] - ($y[$i1] - $y[$i1-1]) / $h[$i1-1]);
    					// ステップ2
    	$g[1] = $h[1] / $b[1];
    	for ($i1 = 2; $i1 < $n-1; $i1++)
    		$g[$i1] = $h[$i1] / ($b[$i1] - $h[$i1-1] * $g[$i1-1]);
    	$u[1] = $d[1] / $b[1];
    	for ($i1 = 2; $i1 < $n; $i1++)
    		$u[$i1] = ($d[$i1] - $h[$i1-1] * $u[$i1-1]) / ($b[$i1] - $h[$i1-1] * $g[$i1-1]);
    					// ステップ3
    	$k       = ($i > 1) ? $i : 1;
    	$r[0]    = 0.0;
    	$r[$n]   = 0.0;
    	$r[$n-1] = $u[$n-1];
    	for ($i1 = $n-2; $i1 >= $k; $i1--)
    		$r[$i1] = $u[$i1] - $g[$i1] * $r[$i1+1];
    					// ステップ4
    	$xx = $x1 - $x[$i];
    	$qi = ($y[$i+1] - $y[$i]) / $h[$i] - $h[$i] * ($r[$i+1] + 2.0 * $r[$i]) / 3.0;
    	$si = ($r[$i+1] - $r[$i]) / (3.0 * $h[$i]);
    	$y1 = $y[$i] + $xx * ($qi + $xx * ($r[$i]  + $si * $xx));
    	return $y1;
    /* 補間法(3次スプライン関数) */
    /*      coded by Y.Suganuma     */
    /* クラスの定義 */
    class Spline
    	private $r = array();
    	private $q = array();
    	private $s = array();
    	private $x = array();
    	private $y = array();
    	private $n;
    	/* コンストラクタ         */
    	/*      n1 : 区間の数     */
    	/*      x1, y1 : 点の座標 */
    	function Spline($n1, $x1, $y1)
    					// 領域の確保
    		$this->n = $n1;
    		$h = array();
    		$b = array();
    		$d = array();
    		$g = array();
    		$u = array();
    		for ($i1 = 0; $i1 <= $this->n; $i1++) {
    			$this->x[$i1] = $x1[$i1];
    			$this->y[$i1] = $y1[$i1];
    					// ステップ1
    		for ($i1 = 0; $i1 < $this->n; $i1++)
    			$h[$i1] = $this->x[$i1+1] - $this->x[$i1];
    		for ($i1 = 1; $i1 < $this->n; $i1++) {
    			$b[$i1] = 2.0 * ($h[$i1] + $h[$i1-1]);
    			$d[$i1] = 3.0 * (($this->y[$i1+1] - $this->y[$i1]) / $h[$i1] - ($this->y[$i1] - $this->y[$i1-1]) / $h[$i1-1]);
    					// ステップ2
    		$g[1] = $h[1] / $b[1];
    		for ($i1 = 2; $i1 < $this->n-1; $i1++)
    			$g[$i1] = $h[$i1] / ($b[$i1] - $h[$i1-1] * $g[$i1-1]);
    		$u[1] = $d[1] / $b[1];
    		for ($i1 = 2; $i1 < $this->n; $i1++)
    			$u[$i1] = ($d[$i1] - $h[$i1-1] * $u[$i1-1]) / ($b[$i1] - $h[$i1-1] * $g[$i1-1]);
    					// ステップ3
    		$this->r[0]          = 0.0;
    		$this->r[$this->n]   = 0.0;
    		$this->r[$this->n-1] = $u[$this->n-1];
    		for ($i1 = $this->n-2; $i1 >= 1; $i1--)
    			$this->r[$i1] = $u[$i1] - $g[$i1] * $this->r[$i1+1];
    					// ステップ4
    		for ($i1 = 0; $i1 < $this->n; $i1++) {
    			$this->q[$i1] = ($this->y[$i1+1] - $this->y[$i1]) / $h[$i1] - $h[$i1] * ($this->r[$i1+1] + 2.0 * $this->r[$i1]) / 3.0;
    			$this->s[$i1] = ($this->r[$i1+1] - $this->r[$i1]) / (3.0 * $h[$i1]);
    	/* 補間値の計算               */
    	/*      x1 : 補間値を求める値 */
    	/*      return : 補間値       */
    	function value($x1)
    		$i = -1;
    					// 区間の決定
    		for ($i1 = 1; $i1 < $this->n && $i < 0; $i1++) {
    			if ($x1 < $this->x[$i1])
    				$i = $i1 - 1;
    		if ($i < 0)
    			$i = $this->n - 1;
    					// 計算
    		$xx = $x1 - $this->x[$i];
    		$y1 = $this->y[$i] + $xx * ($this->q[$i] + $xx * ($this->r[$i]  + $this->s[$i] * $xx));
    		return $y1;
    					// 設定
    	$n = 5;
    	$x = array($n+1);
    	$y = array($n+1);
    	$x[0] = 0.0;
    	$x[1] = 1.0;
    	$x[2] = 2.0;
    	$x[3] = 3.0;
    	$x[4] = 4.0;
    	$x[5] = 5.0;
    	$y[0] = 0.0;
    	$y[1] = 1.0;
    	$y[2] = 4.0;
    	$y[3] = 9.0;
    	$y[4] = 16.0;
    	$y[5] = 25.0;
    	$spline = new Spline($n, $x, $y);
    					// 実行と出力
    	$x1 = 0.0;
    	$sp = 0.1;
    	while ($x1 <= 5.01) {
    		$y1 = $spline->value($x1);
    		printf("%f %f\n", $x1, $y1);
    		$x1 += $sp;

  5. Ruby

    # 補間法(3次スプライン関数) */
    #      coded by Y.Suganuma     */
    # 3次スプライン関数による補間   */
    #      n : 区間の数              */
    #      x, y : 点の座標           */
    #      x1 : 補間値を求める値     */
    #      h, b, d, g, u, r : 作業域 */
    #      return : 補間値           */
    #      coded by Y.Suganuma       */
    def spline(n, x, y, x1, h, b, d, g, u, r)
    					# 区間の決定
    	i = -1
    	for i1 in 1 ... n
    		if x1 < x[i1]
    			i = i1 - 1
    		if i >= 0
    	if i < 0
    		i = n - 1
    					# ステップ1
    	for i1 in 0 ... n
    		h[i1] = x[i1+1] - x[i1]
    	for i1 in 1 ... n
    		b[i1] = 2.0 * (h[i1] + h[i1-1])
    		d[i1] = 3.0 * ((y[i1+1] - y[i1]) / h[i1] - (y[i1] - y[i1-1]) / h[i1-1])
    					# ステップ2
    	g[1] = h[1] / b[1]
    	for i1 in 2 ... n-1
    		g[i1] = h[i1] / (b[i1] - h[i1-1] * g[i1-1])
    	u[1] = d[1] / b[1]
    	for i1 in 2 ... n
    		u[i1] = (d[i1] - h[i1-1] * u[i1-1]) / (b[i1] - h[i1-1] * g[i1-1])
    					# ステップ3
    	k      = (i > 1) ? i : 1
    	r[0]   = 0.0
    	r[n]   = 0.0
    	r[n-1] = u[n-1]
    	i1     = n - 2
    	while i1 >= k
    		r[i1] = u[i1] - g[i1] * r[i1+1]
    		i1 -= 1;
    					# ステップ4
    	xx = x1 - x[i]
    	qi = (y[i+1] - y[i]) / h[i] - h[i] * (r[i+1] + 2.0 * r[i]) / 3.0
    	si = (r[i+1] - r[i]) / (3.0 * h[i])
    	y1 = y[i] + xx * (qi + xx * (r[i]  + si * xx))
    	return y1
    					# 設定
    n = 5
    h = Array.new(n)
    b = Array.new(n)
    d = Array.new(n)
    g = Array.new(n)
    u = Array.new(n)
    r = Array.new(n+1)
    x = Array[0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0]
    y = Array[0.0, 1.0, 4.0, 9.0, 16.0, 25.0]
    				# 実行と出力
    x1 = 0.0
    sp = 0.1
    while x1 <= 5.01
    	y1 = spline(n, x, y, x1, h, b, d, g, u, r)
    	printf("%f %f\n", x1, y1)
    	x1 += sp
    # 補間法(3次スプライン関数) */
    #      coded by Y.Suganuma     */
    # クラスの定義 */
    class Spline
    	# コンストラクタ         */
    	#      n1 : 区間の数     */
    	#      x1, y1 : 点の座標 */
    	def initialize(n1, x1, y1)
    					# 領域の確保
    		h = Array.new(n1)
    		b = Array.new(n1)
    		d = Array.new(n1)
    		g = Array.new(n1)
    		u = Array.new(n1)
    		@_n = n1
    		@_q = Array.new(@_n)
    		@_s = Array.new(@_n)
    		@_r = Array.new(@_n+1)
    		@_x = Array.new(@_n+1)
    		@_y = Array.new(@_n+1)
    		for i1 in 0 ... @_n+1
    			@_x[i1] = x1[i1]
    			@_y[i1] = y1[i1]
    					# ステップ1
    		for i1 in 0 ... @_n
    			h[i1] = @_x[i1+1] - @_x[i1]
    		for i1 in 1 ... @_n
    			b[i1] = 2.0 * (h[i1] + h[i1-1])
    			d[i1] = 3.0 * ((@_y[i1+1] - @_y[i1]) / h[i1] - (@_y[i1] - @_y[i1-1]) / h[i1-1])
    					# ステップ2
    		g[1] = h[1] / b[1]
    		for i1 in 2 ... @_n-1
    			g[i1] = h[i1] / (b[i1] - h[i1-1] * g[i1-1])
    		u[1] = d[1] / b[1]
    		for i1 in 2 ... @_n
    			u[i1] = (d[i1] - h[i1-1] * u[i1-1]) / (b[i1] - h[i1-1] * g[i1-1])
    					# ステップ3
    		@_r[0]     = 0.0
    		@_r[@_n]   = 0.0
    		@_r[@_n-1] = u[@_n-1]
    		i1         = @_n - 2
    		while i1 >= 1
    			@_r[i1] = u[i1] - g[i1] * @_r[i1+1]
    			i1     -= 1
    					# ステップ4
    		for i1 in 0 ... @_n
    			@_q[i1] = (@_y[i1+1] - @_y[i1]) / h[i1] - h[i1] * (@_r[i1+1] + 2.0 * @_r[i1]) / 3.0
    			@_s[i1] = (@_r[i1+1] - @_r[i1]) / (3.0 * h[i1])
    	# 補間値の計算               */
    	#      x1 : 補間値を求める値 */
    	#      return : 補間値       */
    	def value(x1)
    					# 区間の決定
    		i = -1
    		for i1 in 1 ... @_n
    			if (x1 < @_x[i1])
    				i = i1 - 1
    			if i >= 0
    		if (i < 0)
    			i = @_n - 1
    					# 計算
    		xx = x1 - @_x[i]
    		y1 = @_y[i] + xx * (@_q[i] + xx * (@_r[i]  + @_s[i] * xx))
    		return y1
    					# 設定
    n = 5
    x = Array[0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0]
    y = Array[0.0, 1.0, 4.0, 9.0, 16.0, 25.0]
    spline = Spline.new(n, x, y)
    				# 実行と出力
    x1 = 0.0
    sp = 0.1
    while x1 <= 5.01
    	y1 = spline.value(x1)
    	printf("%f %f\n", x1, y1)
    	x1 += sp

  6. Python

    # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
    import numpy as np
    from math import *
    # 3次スプライン関数による補間   */
    #      n : 区間の数              */
    #      x, y : 点の座標           */
    #      x1 : 補間値を求める値     */
    #      h, b, d, g, u, r : 作業域 */
    #      return : 補間値           */
    #      coded by Y.Suganuma       */
    def spline(n, x, y, x1, h, b, d, g, u, r) :
    					# 区間の決定
    	i = -1
    	for i1 in range(1, n) :
    		if x1 < x[i1] :
    			i = i1 - 1
    		if i >= 0 :
    	if i < 0 :
    		i = n - 1
    					# ステップ1
    	for i1 in range(0, n) :
    		h[i1] = x[i1+1] - x[i1]
    	for i1 in range(1, n) :
    		b[i1] = 2.0 * (h[i1] + h[i1-1])
    		d[i1] = 3.0 * ((y[i1+1] - y[i1]) / h[i1] - (y[i1] - y[i1-1]) / h[i1-1])
    					# ステップ2
    	g[1] = h[1] / b[1]
    	for i1 in range(2, n-1) :
    		g[i1] = h[i1] / (b[i1] - h[i1-1] * g[i1-1])
    	u[1] = d[1] / b[1]
    	for i1 in range(2, n) :
    		u[i1] = (d[i1] - h[i1-1] * u[i1-1]) / (b[i1] - h[i1-1] * g[i1-1])
    					# ステップ3
    	if i1 > 1 :
    		k = i
    	else :
    		k = 1
    	r[0]   = 0.0
    	r[n]   = 0.0
    	r[n-1] = u[n-1]
    	for i1 in range(n-2, k-1, -1) :
    		r[i1] = u[i1] - g[i1] * r[i1+1]
    					# ステップ4
    	xx = x1 - x[i]
    	qi = (y[i+1] - y[i]) / h[i] - h[i] * (r[i+1] + 2.0 * r[i]) / 3.0
    	si = (r[i+1] - r[i]) / (3.0 * h[i])
    	y1 = y[i] + xx * (qi + xx * (r[i]  + si * xx))
    	return y1
    # 補間法(3次スプライン関数) */
    #      coded by Y.Suganuma     */
    					# 設定
    n = 5
    x = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], np.float)
    y = np.array([0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25], np.float)
    h = np.empty(n, np.float)
    b = np.empty(n, np.float)
    d = np.empty(n, np.float)
    g = np.empty(n, np.float)
    u = np.empty(n, np.float)
    r = np.empty(n+1, np.float)
    					# 実行と出力
    x1 = 0.0
    sp = 0.1
    while x1 <= 5.01 :
    	y1 = spline(n, x, y, x1, h, b, d, g, u, r)
    	print(x1, y1)
    	x1 += sp
    # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
    import numpy as np
    from math import *
    # クラスSplineの定義
    #      coded by Y.Suganuma
    class Spline :
    	# コンストラクタ
    	#      n1 : 区間の数
    	#      x1, y1 : 点の座標
    	def __init__(self, n1, x1, y1) :
    			# 設定
    		h = np.empty(n1, np.float)
    		b = np.empty(n1, np.float)
    		d = np.empty(n1, np.float)
    		g = np.empty(n1, np.float)
    		u = np.empty(n1, np.float)
    		self.n = n1
    		self.q = np.empty(self.n, np.float)
    		self.s = np.empty(self.n, np.float)
    		self.r = np.empty(self.n+1, np.float)
    		self.x = np.empty(self.n+1, np.float)
    		self.y = np.empty(self.n+1, np.float)
    		for i1 in range(0, self.n+1) :
    			self.x[i1] = x1[i1]
    			self.y[i1] = y1[i1]
    			# ステップ1
    		for i1 in range(0, self.n) :
    			h[i1] = self.x[i1+1] - self.x[i1]
    		for i1 in range(1, self.n) :
    			b[i1] = 2.0 * (h[i1] + h[i1-1])
    			d[i1] = 3.0 * ((self.y[i1+1] - self.y[i1]) / h[i1] - (self.y[i1] - self.y[i1-1]) / h[i1-1])
    			# ステップ2
    		g[1] = h[1] / b[1]
    		for i1 in range(2, self.n-1) :
    			g[i1] = h[i1] / (b[i1] - h[i1-1] * g[i1-1])
    		u[1] = d[1] / b[1]
    		for i1 in range(2, self.n) :
    			u[i1] = (d[i1] - h[i1-1] * u[i1-1]) / (b[i1] - h[i1-1] * g[i1-1])
    			# ステップ3
    		self.r[0]        = 0.0
    		self.r[self.n]   = 0.0
    		self.r[self.n-1] = u[self.n-1]
    		for i1 in range(self.n-2, 0, -1) :
    			self.r[i1] = u[i1] - g[i1] * self.r[i1+1]
    			# ステップ4
    		for i1 in range(0, self.n) :
    			self.q[i1] = (self.y[i1+1] - self.y[i1]) / h[i1] - h[i1] * (self.r[i1+1] + 2.0 * self.r[i1]) / 3.0
    			self.s[i1] = (self.r[i1+1] - self.r[i1]) / (3.0 * h[i1])
    	# 補間値の計算
    	#      x1 : 補間値を求める値
    	#      return : 補間値
    	def value(self, x1) :
    			# 区間の決定
    		i = -1
    		for i1 in range(1, self.n) :
    			if x1 < self.x[i1] :
    				i = i1 - 1
    		if i < 0 :
    			i = self.n - 1
    			# 計算
    		xx = x1 - self.x[i]
    		y1 = self.y[i] + xx * (self.q[i] + xx * (self.r[i]  + self.s[i] * xx))
    		return y1
    # 補間法(3次スプライン関数)
    #      coded by Y.Suganuma
    			# 設定
    n = 5
    x = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], np.float)
    y = np.array([0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25], np.float)
    spline = Spline(n, x, y)
    			# 実行と出力
    x1 = 0.0
    sp = 0.1
    while x1 <= 5.01 :
    	y1 = spline.value(x1)
    	print(x1, y1)
    	x1 += sp

  7. C#

    /* 補間法(3次スプライン関数) */
    /*      coded by Y.Suganuma     */
    using System;
    class Program
    	static void Main()
    		Test1 ts = new Test1();
    class Test1
    	public Test1()
    					// 設定
    		int n = 5;
    		double[] h = new double [n];
    		double[] b = new double [n];
    		double[] d = new double [n];
    		double[] g = new double [n];
    		double[] u = new double [n];
    		double[] r = new double [n+1];
    		double[] x = {0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0};
    		double[] y = {0.0, 1.0, 4.0, 9.0, 16.0, 25.0};
    					// 実行と出力
    		double x1 = 0.0;
    		double sp = 0.1;
    		while (x1 <= 5.01) {
    			double y1 = spline(n, x, y, x1, h, b, d, g, u, r);
    			Console.WriteLine(x1 + " " + y1);
    			x1 += sp;
    	/* 3次スプライン関数による補間   */
    	/*      n : 区間の数              */
    	/*      x, y : 点の座標           */
    	/*      x1 : 補間値を求める値     */
    	/*      h, b, d, g, u, r : 作業域 */
    	/*      return : 補間値           */
    	/*      coded by Y.Suganuma       */
    	double spline(int n, double[] x, double[] y, double x1, double[] h, double[] b,
    	              double[] d, double[] g, double[] u, double[] r)
    					// 区間の決定
    		int i = -1;
    		for (int i1 = 1; i1 < n && i < 0; i1++) {
    			if (x1 < x[i1])
    				i = i1 - 1;
    		if (i < 0)
    			i = n - 1;
    					// ステップ1
    		for (int i1 = 0; i1 < n; i1++)
    			h[i1] = x[i1+1] - x[i1];
    		for (int i1 = 1; i1 < n; i1++) {
    			b[i1] = 2.0 * (h[i1] + h[i1-1]);
    			d[i1] = 3.0 * ((y[i1+1] - y[i1]) / h[i1] - (y[i1] - y[i1-1]) / h[i1-1]);
    					// ステップ2
    		g[1] = h[1] / b[1];
    		for (int i1 = 2; i1 < n-1; i1++)
    			g[i1] = h[i1] / (b[i1] - h[i1-1] * g[i1-1]);
    		u[1] = d[1] / b[1];
    		for (int i1 = 2; i1 < n; i1++)
    			u[i1] = (d[i1] - h[i1-1] * u[i1-1]) / (b[i1] - h[i1-1] * g[i1-1]);
    					// ステップ3
    		int k  = (i > 1) ? i : 1;
    		r[0]   = 0.0;
    		r[n]   = 0.0;
    		r[n-1] = u[n-1];
    		for (int i1 = n-2; i1 >= k; i1--)
    			r[i1] = u[i1] - g[i1] * r[i1+1];
    					// ステップ4
    		double xx = x1 - x[i];
    		double qi = (y[i+1] - y[i]) / h[i] - h[i] * (r[i+1] + 2.0 * r[i]) / 3.0;
    		double si = (r[i+1] - r[i]) / (3.0 * h[i]);
    		double y1 = y[i] + xx * (qi + xx * (r[i]  + si * xx));
    		return y1;
    /* 補間法(3次スプライン関数) */
    /*      coded by Y.Suganuma     */
    using System;
    class Program
    	static void Main()
    					// 設定
    		int n = 5;
    		double[] x = {0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0};
    		double[] y = {0.0, 1.0, 4.0, 9.0, 16.0, 25.0};
    		Spline spline = new Spline(n, x, y);
    					// 実行と出力
    		double x1 = 0.0;
    		double sp = 0.1;
    		while (x1 <= 5.01) {
    			double y1 = spline.value(x1);
    			Console.WriteLine(x1 + " " + y1);
    			x1 += sp;
    /* 補間法(3次スプライン関数) */
    /*      coded by Y.Suganuma     */
    class Spline
    	private double[] q;
    	private double[] s;
    	private double[] r;
    	private double[] x;
    	private double[] y;
    	private int n;
    	/* コンストラクタ         */
    	/*      n1 : 区間の数     */
    	/*      x1, y1 : 点の座標 */
    	public Spline(int n1, double[] x1, double[] y1)
    						// 領域の確保
    		n = n1;
    		double[] h = new double [n];
    		double[] b = new double [n];
    		double[] d = new double [n];
    		double[] g = new double [n];
    		double[] u = new double [n];
    		q = new double [n];
    		s = new double [n];
    		r = new double [n+1];
    		x = new double [n+1];
    		y = new double [n+1];
    		for (int i1 = 0; i1 <= n; i1++) {
    			x[i1] = x1[i1];
    			y[i1] = y1[i1];
    						// ステップ1
    		for (int i1 = 0; i1 < n; i1++)
    			h[i1] = x[i1+1] - x[i1];
    		for (int i1 = 1; i1 < n; i1++) {
    			b[i1] = 2.0 * (h[i1] + h[i1-1]);
    			d[i1] = 3.0 * ((y[i1+1] - y[i1]) / h[i1] - (y[i1] - y[i1-1]) / h[i1-1]);
    						// ステップ2
    		g[1] = h[1] / b[1];
    		for (int i1 = 2; i1 < n-1; i1++)
    			g[i1] = h[i1] / (b[i1] - h[i1-1] * g[i1-1]);
    		u[1] = d[1] / b[1];
    		for (int i1 = 2; i1 < n; i1++)
    			u[i1] = (d[i1] - h[i1-1] * u[i1-1]) / (b[i1] - h[i1-1] * g[i1-1]);
    						// ステップ3
    		r[0]   = 0.0;
    		r[n]   = 0.0;
    		r[n-1] = u[n-1];
    		for (int i1 = n-2; i1 >= 1; i1--)
    			r[i1] = u[i1] - g[i1] * r[i1+1];
    						// ステップ4
    		for (int i1 = 0; i1 < n; i1++) {
    			q[i1] = (y[i1+1] - y[i1]) / h[i1] - h[i1] * (r[i1+1] + 2.0 * r[i1]) / 3.0;
    			s[i1] = (r[i1+1] - r[i1]) / (3.0 * h[i1]);
    	/* 補間値の計算               */
    	/*      x1 : 補間値を求める値 */
    	/*      return : 補間値       */
    	public double value(double x1)
    						// 区間の決定
    		int i = -1;
    		for (int i1 = 1; i1 < n && i < 0; i1++) {
    			if (x1 < x[i1])
    				i = i1 - 1;
    		if (i < 0)
    			i = n - 1;
    						// 計算
    		double xx = x1 - x[i];
    		double y1 = y[i] + xx * (q[i] + xx * (r[i]  + s[i] * xx));
    		return y1;

  8. VB

    ' 補間法(3次スプライン関数) '
    '      coded by Y.Suganuma     '
    Module Test
    	Sub Main()
    					' 設定
    		Dim n As Integer = 5
    		Dim h(n) As Double
    		Dim b(n) As Double
    		Dim d(n) As Double
    		Dim g(n) As Double
    		Dim u(n) As Double
    		Dim r(n+1) As Double
    		Dim x() As Double = {0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0}
    		Dim y() As Double = {0.0, 1.0, 4.0, 9.0, 16.0, 25.0}
    					' 実行と出力
    		Dim x1 As Double = 0.0
    		Dim sp As Double = 0.1
    		Do While x1 <= 5.01
    			Dim y1 As Double = spline(n, x, y, x1, h, b, d, g, u, r)
    			Console.WriteLine(x1 & " " & y1)
    			x1 += sp
    	End Sub
    	' 3次スプライン関数による補間   '
    	'      n : 区間の数              '
    	'      x, y : 点の座標           '
    	'      x1 : 補間値を求める値     '
    	'      h, b, d, g, u, r : 作業域 '
    	'      return : 補間値           '
    	'      coded by Y.Suganuma       '
    	Function spline(n As Integer, x() As Double, y() As Double, x1 As Double,
    	                h() As Double, b() As Double, d() As Double, g() As Double,
    	                u() As Double, r() As Double)
    					' 区間の決定
    		Dim i As Integer  = -1
    		Dim i1 As Integer = 1
    		Do While i1 < n and i < 0
    			If x1 < x(i1)
    				i = i1 - 1
    			End If
    			i1 += 1
    		If i < 0
    			i = n - 1
    		End If
    					' ステップ1
    		For i1 = 0 To n-1
    			h(i1) = x(i1+1) - x(i1)
    		For i1 = 1 To n-1
    			b(i1) = 2.0 * (h(i1) + h(i1-1))
    			d(i1) = 3.0 * ((y(i1+1) - y(i1)) / h(i1) - (y(i1) - y(i1-1)) / h(i1-1))
    					' ステップ2
    		g(1) = h(1) / b(1)
    		For i1 = 2 To n-2
    			g(i1) = h(i1) / (b(i1) - h(i1-1) * g(i1-1))
    		u(1) = d(1) / b(1)
    		For i1 = 2 To n-1
    			u(i1) = (d(i1) - h(i1-1) * u(i1-1)) / (b(i1) - h(i1-1) * g(i1-1))
    					' ステップ3
    		Dim k As Integer = i
    		If i <= 1
    			k = 1
    		End If
    		r(0)   = 0.0
    		r(n)   = 0.0
    		r(n-1) = u(n-1)
    		For i1 = n-2 To k Step -1
    			r(i1) = u(i1) - g(i1) * r(i1+1)
    					' ステップ4
    		Dim xx As Double = x1 - x(i)
    		Dim qi As Double = (y(i+1) - y(i)) / h(i) - h(i) * (r(i+1) + 2.0 * r(i)) / 3.0
    		Dim si As Double = (r(i+1) - r(i)) / (3.0 * h(i))
    		Dim y1 As Double = y(i) + xx * (qi + xx * (r(i)  + si * xx))
    		Return y1
    	End Function
    End Module
    ' 補間法(3次スプライン関数) '
    '      coded by Y.Suganuma     '
    Module Test
    	Sub Main()
    					' 設定
    		Dim n As Integer  = 5
    		Dim x() As Double = {0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0}
    		Dim y() As Double = {0.0, 1.0, 4.0, 9.0, 16.0, 25.0}
    		Dim sp As Spline = new Spline(n, x, y)
    					' 実行と出力
    		Dim x1 As Double  = 0.0
    		Dim sp1 As Double = 0.1
    		Do While x1 <= 5.01
    			Dim y1 As Double = sp.value(x1)
    			Console.WriteLine(x1 & " " & y1)
    			x1 += sp1
    	End Sub
    	' 補間法(3次スプライン関数) '
    	'      coded by Y.Suganuma     '
    	Class Spline
    		Private n As Integer
    		Private q() As Double
    		Private s() As Double
    		Private r() As Double
    		Private x() As Double
    		Private y() As Double
    		' コンストラクタ         '
    		'      n1 : 区間の数     '
    		'      x1, y1 : 点の座標 '
    		Public Sub New (n1 As Integer, x1() As Double, y1() As Double)
    							' 領域の確保
    			n = n1
    			ReDim q(n)
    			ReDim s(n)
    			ReDim r(n+1)
    			ReDim x(n+1)
    			ReDim y(n+1)
    			Dim h(n) As Double
    			Dim b(n) As Double
    			Dim d(n) As Double
    			Dim g(n) As Double
    			Dim u(n) As Double
    			For i1 As Integer = 0 To n
    				x(i1) = x1(i1)
    				y(i1) = y1(i1)
     							' ステップ1
    			For i1 As Integer = 0 To n-1
    				h(i1) = x(i1+1) - x(i1)
    			For i1 As Integer = 1 To n-1
    				b(i1) = 2.0 * (h(i1) + h(i1-1))
    				d(i1) = 3.0 * ((y(i1+1) - y(i1)) / h(i1) - (y(i1) - y(i1-1)) / h(i1-1))
    							' ステップ2
    			g(1) = h(1) / b(1)
    			For i1 As Integer = 2 To n-2
    				g(i1) = h(i1) / (b(i1) - h(i1-1) * g(i1-1))
    			u(1) = d(1) / b(1)
    			For i1 As Integer = 2 To n-1
    				u(i1) = (d(i1) - h(i1-1) * u(i1-1)) / (b(i1) - h(i1-1) * g(i1-1))
    							' ステップ3
    			r(0)   = 0.0
    			r(n)   = 0.0
    			r(n-1) = u(n-1)
    			For i1 As Integer = n-2 To 1 Step -1
    				r(i1) = u(i1) - g(i1) * r(i1+1)
    							' ステップ4
    			For i1 As Integer = 0 To n-1
    				q(i1) = (y(i1+1) - y(i1)) / h(i1) - h(i1) * (r(i1+1) + 2.0 * r(i1)) / 3.0
    				s(i1) = (r(i1+1) - r(i1)) / (3.0 * h(i1))
    		End Sub
    		' 補間値の計算               '
    		'      x1 : 補間値を求める値 '
    		'      return : 補間値       '
    		Function value(x1 As Double) As Double
    							' 区間の決定
    			Dim i As Integer  = -1
    			Dim i1 As Integer = 1
    			Do While i1 < n and i < 0
    				If x1 < x(i1)
    					i = i1 - 1
    				End If
    				I1 += 1
    			If i < 0
    				i = n - 1
    			End If
    							' 計算
    			Dim xx As Double = x1 - x(i)
    			Dim y1 As Double = y(i) + xx * (q(i) + xx * (r(i)  + s(i) * xx))
    			Return y1
    		End Function
    	End Class
    End Module

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