# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
from random import *
from time import *
from bisect import *
from math import *
import numpy as np
# ソートと探索 */
# coded by Y.Suganuma */
# 初期設定
# 探索(list)
# データ設定
N = 1000000
NS = 100000
data = []
data_s = []
m = 0
tm1 = time()
for i1 in range(0, N) :
k = floor(2000000000 * random())
if i1%10 == 0 :
m += 1
# sort
tm2 = time()
# 探索
tm3 = time()
for i1 in range(0, NS) :
bisect_left(data, data_s[i1])
tm4 = time()
print("データ数(list): " + str(N) + ",探索データ数 " + str(NS))
print(" data " + str(floor((tm2-tm1)*1000)) + " ms")
print(" ソート " + str(floor((tm3-tm2)*1000)) + " ms")
print(" 二分探索 " + str(floor((tm4-tm3)*1000)) + " ms,失敗 0")
# 探索(NumPy)
# データ設定
N = 1000000
NS = 100000
data = np.zeros(N, np.int)
data_s = np.zeros(NS, np.int)
n = 0
m = 0
tm1 = time()
for i1 in range(0, N) :
k = floor(2000000000 * random())
data[n] = k
n += 1
if i1%10 == 0 :
data_s[m] = k
m += 1
# sort
tm2 = time()
# 探索
tm3 = time()
for i1 in range(0, NS) :
np.searchsorted(data, data_s[i1])
tm4 = time()
print("データ数(NumPy): " + str(N) + ",探索データ数 " + str(NS))
print(" data " + str(floor((tm2-tm1)*1000)) + " ms")
print(" ソート " + str(floor((tm3-tm2)*1000)) + " ms")
print(" 二分探索 " + str(floor((tm4-tm3)*1000)) + " ms,失敗 0")
# 文字列( string )
N1 = 1000201
NS1 = 5000
NL = 200
# データ設定
data1 = bytearray()
data1_s = []
n = 0
b = bytearray(b"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
tm1 = time()
for i1 in range(0, N1) :
data1.append(b[floor(52 * random())])
if n < NS1 and i1 >= 2*NL and (i1 % NL) == 0 :
k = floor(i1 - NL - NL / 2 - 1)
s = data1[k:k+NL]
if n % 2 > 0 : # 存在しないデータの作成
s[5] = 40
n += 1
# 探索
tm2 = time()
NS1 = n
n1 = 0
n2 = 0
for i1 in range(0, NS1) :
if data1.find(data1_s[i1]) < 0 :
n2 += 1
else :
n1 += 1
tm3 = time()
print("文字数(bytearray): " + str(N1) + ",探索データ(数 " + str(NS1) + ",文字数 " + str(NL) + ")")
print(" data " + str(floor((tm2-tm1)*1000)) + " ms")
print(" 探索 " + str(floor((tm3-tm2)*1000)) + " ms,成功 " + str(n1) + ",失敗 " + str(n2))